Martin met with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, today to discuss the funding of local infrastructure projects.
Martin used the opportunity to again further his active campaigning to ensure the future of the Cleethorpes to Manchester Airport direct rail service. Martin quoted, in aid of his position, the Chancellor's "northern powerhouse" speech in which he stated his vision for the Humber to capitalise on its potential for leisure and tourism.
Martin also used the meeting to inform the Chancellor of the latest proposals for Humber flood risk management. The latest local report would see a £1.2 billion investment over 17 years, ensuring comprehensive flood protection for commerical and residential properties around the Humber Estuary, meaning that flood risk would be minimised to a 1 in 200 years event. The Chancellor explained that his officials would assess the flood defence plans provided to him, and that the Government recognises the importance of the Immingham and Humber ports, and that their defence is a Government priority.
The further electrification of rail lines was also raised in the meeting. With the ever increasing freight in and out of Immingham, and increasing passenger numbers, including those associated with the tourist industry, Martin furthered the case for better rail links and spoke of the need for the further electrification of the rail network through to Immingham, Grimsby and Cleethorpes. Martin suggested that a feasibility study be undertaken in preparation for future government decisions.